
Family Dude Ranch

Well, there are many aspects to a great dude ranch vacation including the lodging, meals, scenery, hospitality, etc. However, we believe that one of the most important parts, especially for a family dude ranch experience, is the horses. Being able to match any age and personality to the best possible mount is essential. We here at the Nine Quarter Circle excel at this. We do so by:
a) having one of the largest guest ranch herds in Montana.
b) breeding all our horses on-site
c) training all foals on-site
These allow us to truly know each and every animal, thereby being able to evaluate what type of rider is best going to mesh with it. When choosing your horse ranch vacation, make sure to pick one that has a long and extensive history with it’s horse herd. Just like we have with our 115 Appaloosas. Here are some pictures of our youngest herd members as they are introduced to having their feet trimmed, to giving their head to pressure and as they are weaned from their Momma’s. Follow us on Facebook to keep up with their milestones!