
Family Dude Ranch

Well, there are many aspects to a great dude ranch vacation including the lodging, meals, scenery, hospitality, etc. However, we believe that one of the most important parts, especially for a family dude ranch experience, is the horses. Being able to match any age and personality to the best possible mount is essential. We here

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"Relying on Nature"

Every summer for nine years, my family had made the seventeen-hour trek from the freeways, housing complexes, and automobiles of southern Orange County to the trails, log cabins, and horses of the “the Ranch.” I have come to depend on this time, as William Wordsworth so eloquently expressed, “knowing that Nature never did betray the

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Stanford University Essay

The dilemma is this: It is important for humans to move forward and learn from their mistakes and not to hold on to the dogma of their forefathers. Therefore traditions are dangerous if followed to blindly. But mankind’s celebration of change is, in and of itself, a tradition. People have been moving themselves forward and

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